RCHS Blog Post Number 232.
Ayres, Jennings, Tank Arrives, Dr. Dininger, Thompson, Coach Guenther.
Off to West in '27 Model A Ford
Published on July 22, 1955.
Off to Cheyenne, Wyoming, come Sunday morning will be two Winchester men. The fact that they're going out west isn't particularly newsworthy, it's their mode of travel.
Sheldon Ayres, restaurateur, and Fred Jennings, tractor salesman and city councilman, will embark on their journey in a Model A Ford, a smooth working vehicle bought by Ayres about six months ago from an elderly man near Parker.
A third member of the party, Warren 'Butch" Thornburg, the fire chief, is backing out at the last minute. Didn't think he could stand the strain.
Anyway, Ayres and Jennings are going more or less on a dare. Seems like someone or some few aroused their anger and the dare was accepted.
"We'll show 'em," says Sheldon and Fred.
The trip starts over state road 32 west out of Winchester and will angle northward until the Model A and passengers hit U. S. 30, which will take them to Cheyenne.
Expected arrival - Tuesday morning, "depending on traffic."
After taking in the "Cheyenne Frontier Days" (rodeo), back home the Winchester men will start. Expected arrival - a week from Monday, "depending on traffic."
All Winchester says "Bon voyage."
Note from Mick: (I don't think they made it. More later.)
Bronze plaque reads: In Commemoration of the Veterans of World War II and Korean Conflict - Randolph County - Dedicated May 30, 1958 |
Sherman Tank Arrives. December 24, 1957.
Winchester's 36-ton Sherman tank was delivered from the National Guard depot and will be repainted and finished with the proper insignia. Through the efforts of Hernly Brothers Construction of Parker and Winchester city street employees, it sits on the east side of the court house square.
The tank, purchased from the state adjutant general's office for $100. will serve as a memorial to our World War II and Korean veterans.
The purchase of the tank was effected through the work of the Winchester American Legion post, the National Guard company in Winchester and the Winchester city administration.
Doctor Gets Birdie. May 8, 1941.
Dr. W. S. Dininger was unanimously chosen to Winchester's golfing hall-of-fame when he shot a hole in one.
He teed off on No. 7 and when his drive veered sharply to the right it landed in a woodpecker hole in one of the large trees along the fairway. The surprised woodpecker came flying out with feathers ruffled and settled in the upper branches.
The somewhat bewildered doctor refused to climb the tree to play the ball so he forfeited the hole to Francis Simpson and Walt Myers who were playing with him.
Jane Marie Thompson, 4-H Demonstration. July 9, 1955.
The importance of a good breakfast was stressed by Miss Jane Marie Thompson of the Winchester 4-H club during her winning demonstration, "Get Time In For Breakfast," at the Randolph county senior demonstration contest held at the 4-H club building south of Winchester.
This meal, neglected especially by teen-agers, is simple to prepare. It can give a person four of his seven basic food requirements and one-fourth to one-third of his daily nutrients, the Winchester sophomore emphasized during her demonstration.
She prepared three different breakfasts, light, medium and hearty, during the demonstration. She is in her sixth year of club work, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thompson.
She will represent Randolph county in the district demonstration contest to be held at Pendleton, Ind.
During these hot summer days, each girl should take time to be "pert and pretty" reminded little Miss Suzanne Snyder of the Winchester club who won the junior demonstration contest.
Coach Leaves WHS. June 23, 1953.
Winchester is losing the man who put our town on the football map! Vincent Guenther, here since the 1947-48 school year, is leaving to take the principalship of the Madison-Marion consolidated school at Hoagland in Allen County. Vince, whose plans had been known, but were not yet official, handed in his resignation to the school board Monday night.
Just recently he had resigned as basketball coach to devote full time to football.
Here is Vince's letter of resignation:
"I hereby notify the school board of my resignation from the faculty of Winchester high school to accept the position of principal of the Madison-Marion consolidated school-Allen county.
I wish to specify that I have sincerely enjoyed my tenure at Winchester and it is with regret that I will be leaving the many sincere friends and friendly people of this city. I hope my friends will remember me as a person that held their children's interest and welfare above everything else and I hope the future of the Winchester high school students and activities experience nothing but success."
It was Guenther who put Winchester on the football map, taking over the second year when the sport was resumed after a lapse of almost fifty years. A man by the name of Tyler was the immediate predecessor.
In five years the Yellow Jacket gridders won 30 games, lost but 5 and tied 3. It was an all victorious season in 1951 and in 1952 there was but one tie to mar another perfect year. The last Winchester defeat was September 20, 1950, that a 7-13 game with Versailles, Ohio.
Winchester was winner of the Mississinewa Valley conference football title.
Vince has turned out some good football men, some of whom have gone on to college competition. It was he who developed Clark Brown into all-state honors for two consecutive years, a selection which made Clarky a sure bet for a spot in the August 8 North-South game at the Butler Bowl in Indianapolis.
Guenther is working on his doctor's degree this summer at Ball State.
So, with Vince's resignation Winchester will have an entire new coaching staff. His assistant, Bob Moore, has taken a job at Westfield, north of Indianapolis.
Personally, this corner hates to see Vince leave. But a person must grasp opportunity when it beckons. We wish him the best of luck.
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