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Friday, May 17, 2019

125. "Driver Drag" The Voice of Driver High School 1959 & 1960, #2

DRIVER DRAG NEWSLETTER,  December 17, 1959, Vol. XXIV  No. 6

"LET'S GO STEADY"--  There have been many arguments about going steady. There are many advantages and many disadvantages. High school students don't always look at both sides of the fence. For example:

Kay Welch - Yes, in some cases. Sometimes though, it's hard to break up. But once you start going steady, it's pretty nice.

Larry Long - Yes, it shows companionship. I am bashful and it helps me meet people. It's cheaper.

Butch Tucker - Yes, I think it's O.K. to go steady. Don't you think so Linda Kay?

Barb Lucas - I think it is O.K. if you don't get to serious and if the right boy comes along.

Linda Addington - I think it is O.K. if you don't get serious. I think you should go out with a lot of boys. Then you will be sure which one is for you.

Tammy Helms - No, I think they should just play the field, and go out with lots of people. If you think you've found the guy, or gal for you, how can you be sure unless you date others? Vickie Warren - No, I don't think they should, cause they're only young once, so why not go out and have fun!

"A HEP XMAS"--  "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the pad, not a hep cat was swinging and that's nowhere dad. The stove was hung up in that stocking routine, in hopes that the fat man would soon make the scene. The kids had all had it, so they hit their sacks, and me and the bride had begun to relax, when there started a rumble that came on real frantic, so I opened the window to figure the panic. I saw a square short that was makin' fat tracks, bein' pulled by eight dogs who were wearing hat racks and a funny old geezer was flippin' his lid. He told em to "make it" and man like they did, I couldn't help diggin' the scene on the roof. As we stood by the chimney in bunches and clusters, 'till tubby slid down coming on like gang busters. His threads were the squarest and I had to chuckle, in front, not in back, was his Ivy League buckle. The mop on his chin hid his button down collar, and with that red nose man, he looked like a baller. Like he was the squarest, the most absolute. But face it, who cares when he left all that loot? He laid the jazz on me and fled from the gig, Wailin', "Have a cool yule and man later, like dig!"

"MYSTERY HELPERS"--   Miss Santa has a shop on Franklin Street. In her shop she makes many friends, including Kathy Parrish, Carol Gulley, Linda Addington, Barbara Lucas and a lot of others. She has a couple of girls who help her in her shop, Diana W. and Gloria J., and a younger sister named Becky.
  She formerly had her shop in Florida. She is tall, dark and has a bubbling personality. Do you know this Junior girl? Of course it's Roberta Hubbard.

  Master Santa has a sweet shop at 535 Washington street. He has a few helpers including Jan R., Bob M., and a few who would like to be, including Jane Q. and Dee Ann S., and many others.
  He is tall, dark and very good looking. He is a Junior and plays basketball on the varsity team. You will always find him making something for sports in his little shop. His reindeer pull him in a blue sleigh. Who is this shy Junior boy? It's Clif Chute!!!!!!!


Mary Alice Boomer, a short blonde sophomore, has a drive that can send a soccer ball from one end of the gym to the other....she is a real help to the sophomores in the intramurals.

Bill Piercy, a member of the junior class, is setting a hard pace for the rest of the mighty Golden Falcons....Bill moved here from Redkey and he has proven that he deserves to wear the varsity uniform.

Bob Mills is known to his friends as "Tomcat" because of his inclination to prowl.....his job was digging holes last summer for a housing project in Muncie.

Jerry Little, a quiet Falcon can make a lot of noise when he wants to.....he vacationed in Florida last summer and met a pair of twins (girls of course)…..Jerry is an active member of the Student Council.

Joani Stiverson, one of our mighty Falconettes, really has the go, go, go in our senior intramurals. She is also the block captain which takes a lot of pep and one could fill her spot!

Butch Tucker is another short member of the junior class...when playing basketball he proves that you can do as much when you're short as you can when you're tall.

Rick Pingry, also a senior, has the highest average in the bowling league.....when he lets go of the ball, the pins fly!! Wow! he's tough!!!!


Mr. Casey didn't like to read?

Phil Hawley got up before 7:45?

Bobbie Keys didn't agree with Mr. Rowedda in Econ?

Gene Thornburg did agree with Mr. Rowedda in Econ?

Carol Ramsey didn't have Monte S. down for lunch every day?

Bob Kaugher ever brought a pencil to Spanish class?

There weren't two Pat Molands and people didn't get them mixed up?

Shari Medsker and Pitt Stults agreed with Mrs. Butler?

Jeanne Shively wrote darked so Mrs. Norris could read it?

Some unknown person didn't help Sharon Parsons with her sand sculpture?

Donna French didn't have G.T. written on her notebook?

Bobbie Clouse ran out of boys in Lynn?

Paul Resler couldn't draw?


Mr. Callan:  a winning season

Jeannette Laux:  my two front teeth

Bob Mills:  flock of chickens that lay two eggs a day.

Jerry Little:  you'd be surprised?

Sharon Erwin:  a trip to Florida or a talkative boy!

Kay Welch:  A in history

Marte Roskosz:  A Falcon, A Bulldog and an Indian!

Fae Holloway:  records
Becky Hubbard: money to go to Florida.

Randi Perkins:  automatic theme writer

Janet Keys:  Terry's class ring.

Kathy Parrish:  a visitor from Pompano Beach

Gary McKnight: a little niece

Carol Gulley: a class ring from Purdue!

Mick Overmyer:  1000 gallons of gas.

Dave VanNote:  a secretary for Mr. Casey

Shari Medsker: a penpal, playmate and pet!

Eddie Farmer:  A Sectional win.

Pitt Stults:  that's between me and Santa!

Larry Long:  2 hot turkey sandwiches with jelly and mayonnaise???

Nanci St. John:  Jerry

Shorty Arthur:  honor jacket

Joan Stiverson:  a meat cutter

Jim Gibbons:  a years supply of Mad magazines.

Jeanine McHolland:  a Lynn man

Ed Hansen:  walking, talking, living doll!!

Jess Riley:  straight A's in Biology

Bob Addington:  wagon full of money pulled by a semi full of money.

Dan Baker:  Joan Hendrickson.

Judy Slick:  A Ball State man

Rusty Symmes:  Bridget Bardot

Linda Addington:  everyone to mind their own business

Jerry Thomas:  Sally Hinchman

Barbara Lucas:  a date with Larry on New Years Eve.

Mr. Casey:  a new red pencil to grade Senior themes.

Karen Benson:  bring Marcia K. a boyfriend of her own!!!!

Gene Thornburg:  a teddy bear

Linda Rice:  a driver's lesson for Penny.

Delbert Rittenhouse:  a car load of girls.

Jan Reynolds:  a diploma'''


Shape of Joan Hendrickson

Hair of Judy Steele

Eyes of Nancy Little

Clothes of Mary Tharp

Personality of Cheryl Vaupel

Walk of Pam Lowe

Grades of Sissy Hudleston

Athletic ability of Evie Vanlandingham

Build of Tom Zell

Hair of David Wallace

Eyes of Dean Dwiggins

Clothes of Keith Hinshaw

Personality of Maurice Northam

Walk of Jan Keener

Grades of Craig Chute

Athletic ability of Mel Smoot

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