Winchester Journal-Herald and Lynn Herald
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Goodrich Homestead in Winchester, IN Photo from The Goodriches: An American Family By Dane Starbuck |
Tuesday morning will place swine and sheep. Tuesday afternoon will place the dairy classes and poultry. Wed. morning will place Herefords, Shorthorns and Angus cattle. 4-H club colts will be in their stalls by Wed. morning and judging will begin at 11 o'clock.
Girls clothing exhibits, food preparation exhibits, baking, room improvement and canning will take place at the Winchester High School gym Tuesday and Wednesday.
Aug. 6, 1947. The annual Randolph County 4-H Club show will be held at Beeson Park, Winchester, Thursday August 7 and 8. Arrangements are nearing completion for this annual affair which highlights the year's activities of some 800 girls and boys enrolled in 4-H club work.
Clothing, baking and other home economics exhibits will be housed in the club house. Livestock will be in two tents, one 40 feet by 220 feet and one 40 by 150 feet. The two tents will nearly cover the lot just north of the club house.
Under direction of Roy Shierling, a 4-H band concert will precede the girl's dress revue Wednesday night. The band is made up of approximately 25 Randolph county 4-H boys and girls, who were already in an organized township band.
Aug. 6, 1948, The Lynn Herald. The annual 4-H Club Show will open next Thursday at the Lynn school building. Exhibits will include livestock, home economics and other activities beside the exhibits of dealers in farm machinery and other products who will have displays on the grounds. The local Lions Club is cooperating with the County Extension Office in sponsoring the 1948 Club Show. Randolph county 4-H exhibits from over 500 club members enrolled in Home Economics projects will be displayed in the gymnasium of the Lynn school.
[The article goes on to tell about the livestock exhibits but doesn't give a location. I assume they were on the school grounds, or nearby. The show opened in 1953 at the permanent 33 acre tract south of Winchester on US 27 and again under large tents. The dress revue was held at the Winchester gym.]
Here is a short history from 1922 to the 1939 show, which was the only year it was held at Goodrich Park. 1940 to the 1947 shows were held at Beeson Park and 1948 thru 1952 at Lynn: Purdue Extension service was started in Randolph county in 1922 and the barrow club and calf club shows which started that year could be termed the forerunners of the 4-H Club Show. The barrow club was sponsored by the now defunct Atlas State Bank of Union City and had 22 entries (17 of the 22 completed the club work.) The completed entries were shown at the Union City community fair in September of 1923. The calf club was co-sponsored by the Union Stock Yards and the Farmers and Merchants Bank, former Winchester firms, and 41 boys and girls enrolled. In September of 1923 a calf roundup was held at Winchester with 31 entered.
Formal 4-H club work began in Randolph county in 1927 with 25 boys and 13 girls enrolled. By 1929 the number had increased to 98 boys and 285 girls. The rise in enrollment was steady until 1944 and 1945. Then World War II with it's draft of 18 year olds and the shortage of help and supplies considerably curtailed the enrollment. Following the war, 4-H enrollment again climbed and by 1957 the enrollment in the county was 1,372. In 1928 a 4-H Club Show of sorts was held at the McKinley gymnasium. For the next few years the club shows were held around Winchester.
I put this post together from several different sources and at different times during the last month. I hope it isn't too confusing. mh
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