For the eighth or ninth time the K. of P. block caught fire about 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon. Which for awhile threatened the entire building. The blowing-out of a valve in the gasoline lighting plant in the barbershop of William Saucere resulted in a blaze which easily might have been a very serious one. In less than ten minutes the entire room was a mass of flames. Everything in it was destroyed. Including the fixtures, a great many valuable shaving cups belonging to the customers and all the razors except one.
The boy who works in the shop was pumping the machine at the time and although covered in gasoline he escaped through the side door uninjured.
Calvin W. Diggs was in the tub in the basement having his Saturday bath and by the time he discovered the building was on fire. Escape by the stairway was cut off by the flames. There was only one other way to get out and that was through a cellar window facing the alley on the north. Because of iron bars a person ordinarily could not have squeezed through, but by the assistance of Mr. Saucere and others he managed to get out. To put his clothes on was out of the question as there was no time to be lost under such circumstances. Naked and cold he was, but safe.
From the Winchester Journal, 1907

To learn more about Calvin W. Diggs, his service in the Civil War, teaching school, or service as Auditor of Randolph County, schedule a Private Research appointment at the Museum. There is no charge for an appointment.
Randolph County, Indiana 1818-1990
Commonly referred to as "The Red History Book"
Compiled by the Randolph County Historical Society, 1991, Second reprint 2003.
To obtain your own copy of "The Red History Book" stop in at The RCHS Museum Shop or send an email to arrange placing a mail order.
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